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Classic Canadian private customized itinerary

If you are still not sure where you want to go, or you have too many places to go and it is difficult to choose, you can refer to the following classic Canadian customized itinerary.

If your time permits, feel free to combine the following itineraries with our

If the following itinerary is not what you want, you can consult with the planner for free,     _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf54d_ 0 _cc7 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   






从多伦多出发,到阿岗昆省立公园观赏枫叶; 然后沿着“最佳赏枫路线”,游览加国首都渥太华,欧洲风情古城蒙特利尔魁北克市,沿路欣赏枫叶的同时感受加东历史名城的建筑和人文风情。

托菲诺 (Tofino) 天然温泉休闲之旅


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Cliff Hiking

BC Travel Reg. 68785

We are two post-80s living in Vancouver. In the past 10 years, he has stayed in Calgary, Canada, Boston, New York, and London, England. On the days of studying abroad, whenever we have time, we will take our bags and travel in North America and Europe. We enjoy the process of planning the itinerary from zero, and love the travel attitude of following our heart-it is hard to travel, and the food and entertainment must be unique and favorite.


Founding Goez Vacations is to allow more people to experience this kind of free travel. Even if you are not familiar with the local language and culture, our team hopes that through well-designed itineraries and professional services, you can experience more local life and culture while visiting.

At the same time, we also develop local tour groups to all over the world. Through personal experience, careful planning, and professional service spirit, we will take friends who like to travel to different places in the world and enjoy life.

1490-4540 No. 3 Road

Richmond, BC, V6X 4E4

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